Accrued income

An accrued income / revenue is the value of goods delivered / services rendered that have been made over a period, but that will not be billed until the next period. Proceeds from the supplied may goods / services rendered during the period which has not had been billed for whatever reason to be amortized (recognized as revenue) during the period. During the next period can […]
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Interimsfordran – Interimsfordringar

En interimsfordran/interimsfordringar är ett samlingsnamn för förutbetalda kostnader och upplupna intäkter. Interim Loans are included in the account group 17. Read more on interim claims. Another common name is an interim entry / accruals, which also includes interim debt.
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Interimspost – Interimsposter

An interim post / accruals is a generic name for an interim receivable / accrued receivables and an interim debt / interim liabilities. An interim receivable / accrued receivables is a collective name for the account group 17 prepaid expenses and accrued income. An interim debt / interim debt is a collective name for the account group 29 accrued expenses and deferred income.
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