Important laws

What laws and rules you should abide by and follow? Here we will go through some the most important laws and rules for those who are employed. These laws and regulations you need to know as a business owner. The laws regulating the handling of company law (company law), accounting, Tax Law, labor and etc..

Below are some examples – click on the links to get to the law in question:

Company law (Company law)

– Aktiebolagslag (2005:551) (ABL)

– Create (1980:1102) of partnerships and partnerships

Bookkeeping and accounting

– Bookkeeping Act (1999:1078) (BFL)

– Årsredovisningslag (1995:1554) (ÅRL)


-Income Tax Act (THE)

-Mervärdeslagen (momslagen) (ML)

-Skattebetalningslagen (SBL)

– Socialavgiftslag (2000:980)

Employment law

– Create (1982:80) of Employment (THE)

– Arbetstidslag (1982:673)

– Create (1976:580) Co-determination at Work (MBL)

– Diskrimineringslag (2008:567)

– Föräldraledighetslag (1995:584)

– Create (1974:981) on the right of workers to time off for training

– Arbetsmiljölag (1977:1160)

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