What is a pre-emptive reservations?

Ownership of shares
According to according to the rule (ABL 4:7) are no restrictions on ownership of shares, but these are freely transferable and are acquired. Dock kan äganderätten begränsas genom förbehåll i bolagsordningen.

According to the ABL may be subject to the reservations made for restricting ownership:
– samtyckesförbehåll (ABL 4:8)
– förköpsförbehåll (ABL 4:18)
– hembudsförbehåll (ABL 4:27)

Shares equal rights
According to the principle of equality (ABL 4:1) all share equal rights in the company, but you can limit this “equal rights” by subject in the statutes.

– emptive rights to new shares (ABL 4:3)
-rösträttsbegränsning (ABL 4:5)
-shares with different rights (ABL 4:2)
-omvandlingsförbehåll (ABL 4:6)
