Company car benefit

Company car benefit – calculating the car – here we go through the calculation, värdering och beskattning av bilförmåner.

Car benefit Calculation 2012 (2013)

The value of a company car for the income year 2012 (taxation year 2013) shall be calculated as below:

Car benefit Calculation 2012

13 948 kr (0,317 x base amount 44 000 kr)
+ nybilspriset x 75% of government bond yield ( 1,65 %)
+ 9% of the new car up empty 7,5 base amount
+ 20% of that part of the new car that exceeds 7,5 base amount
= Car benefit to declare tax year 2013
Lowest nybilspris for six cars 176 000 kr for income year 2012.

Anyone who has a car can obtain tax bilersättning (mileage).

The thing to keep records of company cars – accounts of a company car!

– record company car sole proprietorship

– record company car company

– record company car company


Nybilspriser cars and light trucks

Reduction in benefit

Tax billistor


Calculation of automobile 2011 (2012)

The value of a company car for the income year 2011 (taxation year 2012) measured as follows::

Car benefit Calculation 2011
13 567 kr (0,317 x base amount 42 800 kr)
+ nybilspriset x 75% of government bond yield ( 2,84 %)
+ 9% of the new car up empty 7,5 base amount
+ 20% of that part of the new car that exceeds 7,5 base amount
= Car benefit to declare tax year 2012
Lowest nybilspris for six cars 171 200 kr for income year 2011.


Calculation of automobile 2010 (2011)

The value of a company car for the income year 2010 (taxation year 2011) measured as follows::

Car benefit Calculation 2010
13 440 kr (0,317 x base amount 42 400 kr)
+ nybilspriset x 75% of government bond yield ( 3,20 %)
+ 9% of the new car up empty 7,5 base amount
+ 20% of that part of the new car that exceeds 7,5 base amount
= Car benefit to declare tax year 2011
Lowest nybilspris for six cars 169 600 kr for income year 2010.