39 Other operating income

Recordkeeping, record, how to book Other operating income.

In kontogrupp 39 recorded other operating income. Other operating revenues include rental income, arrendeintäkter,provisionsintäkter m.m.

Below are the various key accounts - you can read more about each main account by clicking below:

3900 Other operating income (gruppkonto)
3910 Rental- and leasing income
3920 Provisionsintäkter, license fees and royalties
3930 Optional main account
3940 Unrealized negative change in value of hedging instruments
3950 Recovered, previously written off receivables
3960 Exchange gains on receivables and payables
3970 Gain on disposal of intangible and tangible fixed assets
3980 Received public assistance, etc..
3990 Other allowances and benefits