1310 Shares in group companies

In huvudkonto 1310 recorded Shares in group companies. The form of financial assets and available on the asset side of balance sheet. Financial assets that it intends to maintain for more than 1 years are called financial assets. Learn more about anläggningstillgångar.

Below are the various sub-accounts up - you can read more about each sub-account by clicking below:

1311 Shares in Swedish subsidiary
1312 Shares in foreign subsidiaries
1313 Shares in other Swedish group companies
1314 Shares in other foreign group companies
1315 Optional sub-account
1316 Shares in Cooperative Entities, koncernföretag
1317 Optional sub-account
1318 Accumulated write-downs of shares in group companies
1319 Optional sub-account

Go back to the account group 13 Financial assets to see Financial assets.